Sunday, December 14, 2008

winter is here.

the winter season is upon us. we just got a freak snow storm... three inches. and it's COLD.
here's our cottage laden with snow.

we pulled into the drive at quarter till two in the morning, ran inside to grab the camera, and headed around the corner to take some wintry photos. two am and on the lose with a camera taking photos of bakeries!


909. our coffee house.

i wonder if the ice cream shop is open?

1 comment:

  1. You have had more snow than we have! But it's so beautiful. The laundry room looks great - love the tile! You also know you're younger when you pick out how you want the tile laid out - when you get older you just get it down as fast as you can before your knees give out! Love the w/d too!
    Merry Christmas!
